
RESET is a simple, non-invasive system of relaxing the muscles, nerves and ligaments of the jaw muscles, enabling the Tempporomandibular joint (TMJ) to reset. This balances the body’s hydration, structure, muscles, neurology, glands and organs relaxing tight neck and shoulder muscles too.


Some of the possible benefits are:

- Improved assimilation and utilisation of water

- More stability in hip, knee and foot muscles

- A more balanced acupuncture meridian system

- Less tension in 80% of muscles in the body

- Less headaches, sinus problems and migraines

- Improved digestion and assimilation of food

- More balanced glands and hormones

- Improved toxin elimination through the kidneys

- Improved learning ability


Learn how to do RESET on others and on yourself in a simple 3 hour workshop, or have a RESET balance from a RESET Consultant.


See Links - 10 websites which explain RESET

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